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Why Your Car Vibrates When You Brake

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Have you ever been driving and braking, only to feel a sudden jolt or vibration in your car? If so, you may be wondering why this happens and if there's anything you can do about it. Read on to learn more about this common issue.

Your Brake Rotors May Be Warped

When you push down on the brake pedal, your car's brake rotors are what provide the stopping power. The brake pads squeeze against the brake rotors, and the friction between them slows the spinning of your wheels.

If your brake rotors become warped, they will no longer spin evenly. As a result, your car may vibrate when you brake. In some cases, the vibration might be mild and barely noticeable. However, in other cases, it can be severe enough to cause the steering wheel to shake and make your car difficult to control.

If you notice that your car is vibrating when you brake, have a certified mechanic inspect your brakes to see if the problem is with the rotors.

Your Brakes May Be Worn Out

The braking system is very important to the safety of your vehicle. Worn-out brakes would cause your car to vibrate when you brake. The vibration is caused by the brake pads not sitting flush against the rotor. When the brake pedal is depressed, the calliper piston pushes the pads into contact with the rotors to create friction, slowing down or stopping your car.

If the pads are not sitting flat against the rotor, they will not be able to create as much friction, causing your car to vibrate. In extreme cases, worn-out brakes can cause the calliper to seize, preventing it from depressing the pads and stopping or slowing your car. This situation could be very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

Your Brake Calibers May Be Stuck

When you step on the brakes, your car's brake callipers clamp down on the brake pads, which in turn press against the rotors. This contact creates friction that slows down the spinning of your wheels.

If your brake callipers become stuck, it can cause your car to vibrate when you brake. This problem is usually caused by a build-up of debris inside the calliper, which prevents it from moving freely. In some cases, it may also be caused by a leak in the hydraulic fluid that helps move the calliper pistons.

Whatever the cause, if your car is vibrating when you brake, it's important to have it checked out by a mechanic as soon as possible. Brakes are one of the most important safety features on your car, so you don't want to take any chances.
