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Problems With Your Diesel-Engined Vehicle? Why You Should Get It on Rollers

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As you realise how much money you spend on your transportation needs every year, you may pay a lot of attention to the performance of your vehicle, listen out for any unusual noise as you're driving along and calculate your fuel consumption down to the penny. This attention to detail is laudable and may keep your costs in check for most of the time, but occasionally it can leave you scratching your head. You purchased your diesel-powered vehicle because it was meant to be reliable and consistent, but now there is something wrong that you can't put your finger on. You should take the car in for a dyno test to help you diagnose.

Crunching the Data

The dynamometer, to give it its full title, is used by professional mechanics to interpret and subsequently treat a variety of strange problems on your diesel car or truck. The equipment consists of a carefully-balanced roller that is linked to diagnostic equipment. This allows the mechanic to run your car under pressure as if it was on the road, but within a controlled environment.

How It Works

To begin with, the vehicle is carefully secured in place and will then be ramped up to its maximum level to see how much power is generated and how the engine and transmission stack up. A great deal of data will be generated and can be compared to manufacturer standards to pinpoint problem areas.

For example, one test looks at acceleration from zero up to maximum revolutions per minute and helps to determine how much power is needed to turn the flywheel. Once at the maximum, the vehicle is decelerated through the gears and up again, to gather data related to individual loading.

Broader Analysis

The best quality equipment will not only analyse the performance of the engine but also the transmission, drivetrain and individual ancillaries. After all, the problem could be linked to one of these areas, and a skilful technician will be sure to get to the bottom of the problem.

As an example, a failed or faulty oxygen sensor could play havoc with engine performance, or you may find that you have dirty injectors that are stalling performance and cutting your fuel efficiency.


To take full advantage of your visit to the dynamometer, ensure that your vehicle is in as good condition as possible before you go. In particular, check your tyres for any obvious problems and let the mechanic know about any other suspect issues, so they are ready to get to work. 

For more information, contact your local diesel auto diagnostics service today.
